Limnetica 39

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Study of the effect of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s) discharges on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities’ structure of the River Tinto (Portugal)

Jesus T., Monteiro A., Abreu I. and Guerreiro M. J.
limnetica-39-1-p-353.ris 500 b [0 download(s)]

The Water Framework Directive (DQA-2000/60 / EC) establishes, as one of its main objectives, the achievement of good ecological status of water bodies and introduces the concept of "ecological status", which includes the study of a broad set of parameters and factors to determining the health of an ecosystem. This work is part of a project whose main objective is the rehabilitation of a small urban river in the north of Portugal, the Tinto river, that presents a high degree of environmental degradation. This work aims to study the effect of the two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s) discharges in the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities. The study compares results (metrics and indices) obtained from the analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates samples collected in river sections upstream and downstream of the discharges of WWTP’s, between October 2015 and July 2017, and values of hydro-morphological and physico-chemical parameters. Although the benthic macroinvertebrate communities are very conditioned by the bad status of the Tinto river, in the sections downstream of the WWTP's the macroinvrtebrates communities present characteristics that indicate a higher degree of environmental disturbance.

limnetica-39-1-p-353.pdf 2 Mb [0 download(s)]
Limnetica-39-1-p-353-suppl._info.pdf 961.9 Kb [0 download(s)]
