Online first articles

A study of blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) samples from the Cidacos River in Soria and La Rioja provinces (Spain)

David López-Peña, Manuel Salvador Portillo-Rubio, Álvaro Lis-Cantín and José Vicente Falcó-Garí

The study of simuliids in Spain is of the utmost importance, not only because of the key role they play in food chains both as agents recirculating matter and as a source of food for countless organisms, but also due to the negative impact that females of blood-sucking species have on animal and human health and welfare, and the economic damage that they can cause to health, veterinary, agriculture and tourism sectors. Therefore, a deeper knowledge of blackflies is crucial. To this purpose, the specimens collected in 1997 along the Cidacos River from two Spanish provinces were studied. The objective of this study has been to improve the knowledge of this family in Spain. As a result, 12 species of the genus Simulium have been identified, belonging to four subgenera and classified into four species groups. Three species are first records for La Rioja and one species for Soria. The elevational and water temperature ranges have been described for each one of the species. The sampled stations with the highest species richness have been indicated and the species composition of several sampling stations has been analysed. The species with the highest and lowest relative abundances are described in detail and provincial distribution maps of the four species recorded for the first time in the area studied area are provided. The species whose females require obligatory intake of blood to develop their eggs are highlighted, as well as the harm due to each species with this type of feeding behaviour.
