Limnetica 39

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Detrital food chain as a possible mechanism to support the trophic structure of the planktonic community in the photic zone of a tropical reservoir

Edison Andrés Parra-García, Nicole Rivera-Parra, Antonio Picazo and Antonio Camacho
limnetica-39-1-p-511.ris 494 b [0 download(s)]

In the photic zone of aquatic ecosystems, where different communities coexist showing different strategies to access one or different resources, the biomass spectra can describe the food transfers and their efficiencies. The purpose of this work is to describe the biomass spectrum and the transfer efficiency, from the primary producers to the top predators of the trophic network, in the photic zone of the Riogrande II reservoir. Data used in the model of the biomass spectrum were taken from several studies carried out between 2010 and 2013 in the reservoir. The analysis of the slope of a biomass spectrum, of the transfer efficiencies, and the omnivory indexes, suggest that most primary production in the photic zone of the Riogrande II reservoir is not directly used by primary consumers, and it appears that detritic mass flows are an indirect way of channeling this production towards zooplankton. Accordingly, the optimal efficiencies in mass transfer between producers and consumers reflected by the slope of the biomass spectrum (close to -1), are not necessarily linked to the grazing chains, but may be the result of the coupling between several food routes (detritic and grazing) that start with primary production.


limnetica-39-1-p-511.pdf 1 Mb [0 download(s)]
